ALSTUP - Legal Information

Legal information


Developed by ALSTUP, SAS based at 27 rue du Chemin Vert 75011 PARIS, SIRET 89926940100019

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Credit / Trademarks / Intellectual property

The verbal and visual trademarks (logos) ALSTUP are protected. Their use without prior written authorization from Alstup, on any support and whatever the media, is forbidden under penalty of criminal and civil prosecution.

The content of the site, in particular its structure, its design, the databases, the texts, images, videos, screen shots, trademarks, logos and any graphic elements as well as the HTML referencing tags (meta-tags), are the exclusive property of the company Alstup. This content is protected by the Intellectual Property Code and by any other national or international law applicable to copyright.

As such, any reproduction, representation, adaptation, translation, and/or transformation, partial or complete, or transfer of elements subject to an intellectual property right, in particular on another site, is prohibited without the prior written consent of Alstup.

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